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River Above Asia and Oceania Ecclesial Network

Archbishop Peter Loy Chong: Stories from the Ocean

Archbishop Peter Loy Chong: Stories from the Ocean

Federation of Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of Oceania (FCBCO) President Archbishop Peter Loy Chong tells stories, from his childhood in Fiji, to the current experiences of communities in Oceania, to shed light on the different threats faced by the ocean and Oceania peoples.

Archbishop Chong shares these to the River Above Asia Oceania Ecclesial Network (RAOEN) to highlight the urgency of uniting as a region in the care for Mother Ocean.

3 thoughts on “Archbishop Peter Loy Chong: Stories from the Ocean”

  1. Happy and thankful for finding the tlks of the October 25 RAOEN event in the Homepage. I listened to them again. Is it possible to have the song presented by Archbishop Peter at the end of his talk be placed also in the Homepage? The song is very inspiring and uplifting.

  2. Archbishop presentation has been brief and loaded with useful information on issues relating to climate change in our region! Relevant and Insipiring!

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