Asian forum on synodality and Indigenous living traditions within the Church amplify Indigenous voices
The Asian Forum on Celebrating Synodality and Indigenous Living Traditions in the Church issued a comprehensive statement calling for greater inclusion, recognition, and celebration ofRead More »Asian forum on synodality and Indigenous living traditions within the Church amplify Indigenous voices
Weaving strategic ways forward and making a difference
RAOEN Coordinator Pedro Walpole SJ spoke on the second day of the 2024 Season of Creation Convocation held by Caritas Australia’s Catholic Earthcare program fromRead More »Weaving strategic ways forward and making a difference
RAOEN runs workshop on Indigenous synodality
The Indigenous community in Bendum in northern Mindanao, Philippines revisited synodality during a two-day workshop that the RAOEN team facilitated to explore ways by whichRead More »RAOEN runs workshop on Indigenous synodality
New ways, new energies for RAOEN’s mission
RAOEN is implementing a biome-based synodality project to engage more broadly with ecclesial communities in Oceania, South Asia, and Southeast Asia, and new staff areRead More »New ways, new energies for RAOEN’s mission
RAOEN at the Caritas Asia Conference
RAOEN was introduced at the Caritas Asia Regional Conference & Partners’ Forum in Bangkok, Thailand on 11 to 13 June 2024, where the ecclesial networkRead More »RAOEN at the Caritas Asia Conference
RAOEN looking for a Regional Coordinator, 3 Subregional Coordinators, and a Project Manager
RAOEN is looking for a Regional Coordinator, three Subregional Coordinators, and a Project Manager to implement and coordinate ongoing and emerging work of RAOEN inRead More »RAOEN looking for a Regional Coordinator, 3 Subregional Coordinators, and a Project Manager
Towards a climate-resilient Asia
RAOEN shares an excerpt from the keynote address of Bishop Gerardo Alminaza (Diocese of San Carlos in Negros Occidental, Philippines) for the “Building Climate ResilientRead More »Towards a climate-resilient Asia
Building bridges between views and knowledge systems, a workshop on Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge and the sciences at the Vatican
The Indigenous Peoples’ Knowledge and the Sciences: Combining traditional knowledge and sciences for resilience to address climate change, biodiversity loss, food security, health workshop, heldRead More »Building bridges between views and knowledge systems, a workshop on Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge and the sciences at the Vatican
Cardinal Grech shares joys and outcomes of ongoing synod process
Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, addressed participants of the three-day Philippine Conference on New Evangelization (PCNE) on 19 January 2024Read More »Cardinal Grech shares joys and outcomes of ongoing synod process